
Polish bibliography

Selected bibliographical works

Bibliographies of bibliographies:

Hahn, Victor
Bibliography bibliography polskich do 1950 roku. Wroclaw, 1966. 587 p.
(Translated title: Bibliography of Polish Bibliographies for 1950)

General and special bibliographies:

Chojnacki, W.
Materialy do bibliografii Polonii dunskiej (Przeglad Zachodni. Skirt 30. Poznan, 1974. pp. 340-361)
(Translated title: Materials for a bibliography of the Poles in Denmark).

Ciesielski, Zenon
Zblizenia skandynawsko-polskie. Szkice o kontaktach kulturalnych w XIX i XX wieku. Gdansk, 1972. (Pages 63-66, 120-121, 198-199, 241-243: Bibliography)
(Translated title: Scandinavian-Polish Approaches. Essays on the Cultural Contacts of the 19th and 20th Centuries (Bibliography)).

Czachowska, Jadwiga and Roman Loth
Przewodnik polonisty. Bibliography, slowniki, biblioteki, musea literackie. Wydanie 2 uzupelnione. Wroclaw, 1981. 756 pages.
(Translated title: The Polonist's Guide. Bibliographies, dictionaries, libraries, literary museums)
Pages 57-439: Bibliographies.

Davies, Norman
Poland, past and present. A select bibliography of works in English. Newtonville, 1977. 185 p.

Floryan, Jan Jacob
Polish Workers – Attitudes and Behavior 1956-1981. 1982 (Pages 142-157: Literature List).

Prayers in Wolff
Catalog skladowy 1947. Rocznik 1. Warsaw, 1947. 360 p.
Translated Title: Stock Catalog 1947)

Gustavsson, Sven and Lennart Kjellberg
Józef Trypucko’s Publications (Scando-Slavica. Tomus 30. 1984. p.191-203)

Raven, Peter
Polish bibliography 1850-1980. Bibliography of Polish fiction and professional literature in Danish, Danish professional literature on Poland and translated foreign professional literature on Poland from 1850-1980. 1982. 79 p.

Red, Ragnar
Poland in Norwegian literature. Oslo, 1970. 41 p.

Swiderski, Bronislaw
Poland after 1945. A bibliography of information resources. 1984. 72 p.

Zielinska, Maria Danilewicz
Bibliografia: “Kultura” (1958-1973), “Zeszyty Historyczne” (1962-1973), Dzialalnosc wydawnicza (1959-1973). Paris, Instytut Literacki, 1975. 430 pp. (Biblioteka Kultury, t.257).
(Translated title: Bibliography: “Kultura” (1958-1973), “Zeszyty Historyczne” (1962-1973), Publishing Company (1959-1973)

Literary bibliographies:

Korzeniewska, Ewa
Maria Dabrowska. Poradnik bibliograficzny. Warsaw, 1969. 51 p.
(Translated title: Maria Dabrowska. Bibliographic guide)

Ladyka, Alina
Henryk Sienkiewicz 1846-1916. Poradnik bibliograficzny. Warsaw, 1967. 44 p.
(Translated title: Henryk Sienkiewicz 1846-1916. Bibliographic guide)

Polish bibliography literacka za rok 1973. Warsaw, 1976. 1059 p.
(Translated title: Polish Literary Bibliography for 1973)

Trypucko, Joseph
Polish writers in Sweden 1918-1939. Bibliographic list (Svio Polonica. No. 3. 1941. Stockholm, 1942. P.56-83)

Rocznik literacki 1974 (Bibliography). Warsaw, 1974.
(Translated title: Literary Yearbook (Bibliographies)).

Ryll, Ludomira and Janina Wilgat
Polish Literature w Przekladach. Bibliography 1945-1970. Warsaw, 1972. 370 p.
(Translated title: Polish Literature in Translation. Bibliography 1945-1970)


Spangshus, Christian N.:
Bibliography (in: Modern Slavic Literature. 1945-1970. Christian Ejlers, 1972. Page 326-350)
Section "Poland"

Spangshus, Christian N.:
Dano-Slavica (Literature). List of Danish literature on Slavic literary history and literary staff history as well as Danish translations from Slavic languages. 1965 / 66-1968 (as well as supplement to the bibliography of Modern Slavic literature) (Chronika. Publication for Slavistics. Year 2, no. 1 (= No.2), 1968 – No.8, 1972). 1973-1977, 1978/1981 (Svantevit. Danish Journal of Slavery. Year 1, no. 1, 1975 – Year 8, no. 2, 1982)
Section "Poland"

Suchodolska, Ewa and Zofia Zydanowicz
Bibliographia polskich przekladów z literatury pieknej krajów skandynawskich do roku 1969 wlacznie. – Bibliography of Polish translations from the literature of the Scandinavian countries up to and including 1969. Poznan, 1971. 325 p.

Åkerström, Hans
Bibliography of Polish fiction translated into Swedish. Gothenburg, 1972. 59 p.

Library Catalogs:

Spangshus, Chr.N.
Polish books in the Nakskov Central Library. – Ksiazki polskie w Library Centralnej w Nakskovie. 1970. 24 p.

Winiarska, M.
Polish books. Stockholm City Library. – (Polskie ksiazki Library Miejskiej w Sztokholmie). Stockholm, 1971. 24 p.

Polish bibliographies of international literature:

Bron, Michal, Eugeniusz Kozlowski and Maciej Techniczek
Wojna hiszpanska 1936-1939. Chronologia wydarzen in bibliography. Warsaw, 1964. 524 p.
(Translated title: The Spanish War 1936-1939. Chronology of events and bibliography) Page 333-455: Bibliography

Kiedrzynska, Wanda
Materialy do bibliografii hitlerowskich obozów concentracyjnych. Literatura miedzynarodowa 1934-1962. Warsaw, 1964. 111 p.
(Translated title: Materials for a bibliography of Hitler's concentration camps. International literature 1934-1962)

Malcówna, Anna
Bibliography KL Auschwitz za lata 1942-1980. Oswiecim, 1991. 188 p.
(Translated title: Bibliography of the Auschwitz concentration camp for the years 1942-1980)

The mentioned works are part of the Slavic subject library at Twardowska & Spangshus.

Translated into English by Google Translate. accept no liability for any errors or omissions in translation.

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