
The Holy Archangel Michael's Church in Plonsk. – Photo by: Krzysztof Belczyński on Flickr


32 km SV,
60 km NV, 35 km NE, 55 km SE, 34 km SE, 54 km SV, 54 km NE, 55 km S, 66 km SE, 102 km V, 90 km E


22.435 (2014)

Location and history

Płońsk is located in central Poland, northwest of the capital Warsaw.

Archaeological studies have shown that the tree used in the construction of the first medieval fortification in the area of the present city was felled in 997. From 1155, the first official mention of Płońsk comes as a princely castle. Only one place of violence remains today.
In 1400, the city was granted market town rights by the Masovian prince Siemowit IV. These and subsequent rights were confirmed by several Polish kings in the following centuries.
In Poland's third division, Płońsk came under Prussia in 1795.
In the interwar period after World War I, in 1920, a battle at Płońsk between Polish and Russian troops came. In January 1945, the city was liberated from the German occupation of the Belarusian army.
In 1999, Płońsk again became the main city in an administrative district.

Tourist attractions

Selected attractions:

Karmeliter complex
The former Carmelite complex: Archangel Michael's Church – the former monastery and bell tower.

marking the location of a castle from the 11th century.

There is a city park in the area, “Freedom Park” and a small lake, “Jezioro Rutki”.

Dawid Ben Gurion (1886-1973), the first Prime Minister of Israel, was born in Płońsk and spent his youth here.
The author Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916) lived in a house in Poświętne, just north of the town of Płońsk, in 1865-66, where he wrote his first novel, which was not published.

Surrounding Area

From Płońsk, highways exit in all directions: in the southwest towards Sochaczew, in the west towards Sierpc, in the north towards Gdańsk, in the northeast towards Ciechanów and in the southeast towards Warsaw.
Through the town runs the small river Płonka.



Other Internet sites and sources

Plonsk – in Polish, English, German, French, Russian and Spanish

Translated into English by Google Translate. Spangshus.dk accept no liability for any errors or omissions in translation.

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